
Wednesday, December 16, 2015

I'm baaaa-ack!

Okay, I've been a bad blogger. A "coal-in-your-blogging-stocking" blogger, to tell the truth. We're just going to call 2015 a wash, and move on. But that doesn't mean I haven't been reading -- a lot! So in the next few weeks I'm planning Col Reads 2.0 -- more details on the way soon! My first order of business will be catching up on the Classics Reading Challenge. By my count, I'm more than half way done. To get myself back in the swing of things, I'm participating in True Book Addict's Bookish Secret Santa. I'm happy to say my gift is in the mail, and should arrive before Christmas -- but weather might be a factor where it's going, so I'm keeping my fingers crossed! Here's to an awesome 2016!


  1. There are no bad bloggers! Glad to see you back!

  2. Nice to see you back, Col. Merry Christmas!

  3. :) Always good to see a post from you.

  4. Hooray! Glad to see you're back -- and definitely just wave 2015 away! I'm wildly behind myself, and am re-evaluating how I blog in 2016.


I absolutely love comments. Thanks for taking the time to share! Col